* Snowdrop Art *

Snowdrop painting Oil on canvas (36 x 48cm)

Oil on canvas (76 x 51cm)

Oil on canvas (41 x 41cm) To me, snowdrops symbolise perfection, looking pure through the harsh weather. I wanted the viewer to actually feel cold whilst looking at this painting, with the deep blues and iced casing of the flowers. Signed, limited edition prints available.

Oil on canvas (50 x 50cm) Bright yellow stems burst into snowdrops, while the first tree buds of spring shoot out into the blue sky. Using a loose style of painting with sponges allowed for a more abstract approach and signals a time of rapid change. Signed, limited edition prints available.

Oil on canvas (50 x 50cm) Focusing on a single snowdrop after rain. Sponges were used for the background and flower, while the rain droplets were added with paintbrushes. The focal point became a raindrop falling from the petal on the left. Signed, limited edition prints & Greeting cards available.

Oil on canvas (100 x 70cm)

Oil on canvas (51 x 76cm)

Oil on canvas (41 x 41cm) For this painting, I applied oil paint with sponges to colour the background and paintbrushes for the lower stems of each snowdrop. I used wax carvers toward the top of the flower stem, giving a more 3D effect. Finally, thick paint was applied with sponges to make the snowdrop head really stand out from the canvas. Signed, limited edition prints available.

Oil on canvas (76 x 51cm)

Oil and Acrylic on canvas (140 x 70cm) The main picture shows a view into the Rococo Garden from the fields behind. The squirrel that takes centre stage was one day spotted outside the cafe window at the Garden, eating seeds next to a pumpkin that had been gorged! Two magpies also visit the garden each day - I included these for good luck.. The border design is inspired by Thomas Robins - an artist whose painting 'Painswick Rococo Garden' is instrumental to the survival of the garden.

Oil on canvas (50 x 50cm) Conceived from a memory sketch, this painting went through many incarnations. I found that I was evoking other forms of nature and mixing emotions. From an idea that the snowdrops were crying, to a school of fishes in coral swimming upstream, to the flowers blooming and taking flight toward the top, this artwork continued to evolve, even while I was painting. Signed, limited edition prints available.

Oil on canvas (46 x 61cm) After originally sketching and amplifying the Exedra structure at the Rococo Garden, this painting began to turn into a fairytale. Adding fictional figures such as Jack Frost and the Ice Queen gave a mystical slant on the use of this structure as a meeting place. Signed, limited edition prints available.